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Advice for Family and Friends

It can be difficult to see someone close to you go through something traumatic like experiencing a crime.

It isn’t always easy to know what to say or how to act, and it’s understandable to feel like you’re going to do the wrong thing – but just by letting them know you are there for them can make a big difference.

The impact of a crime can vary from person to person, so it is not always helpful to look at how other victims have recovered from similar incidents.

Everyone is an individual, so it is important to emphasise that people will need different things in order to recover.

The most important things to consider are:

  • Time – someone might not want to talk straight away about what has happened. That is ok – just let them know that you are there to listen whenever they feel ready to talk.
  • Understand – try to research about the crime type and what support is available
  • Ask – Ask them what they want you to do, is it practical help like sorting out insurance? Or calling their GP – let them tell you what they need.
  • Don’t judge – if someone opens up about what happened, don’t be critical about the circumstances of the crime
  • Look After Yourself – don’t take on too much, set boundaries for yourself and talk to others for support.

If you are concerned about someone who is in immediate harm or danger call the Police on 999. You can also call 101 to report concerns for someone’s safety.

Children/Young People

If you are worried about a child, you can call NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 – open 7 days a week.

Knowing how to support your child or a young person who has experienced a crime can be difficult.
It can take time for them to process any emotions they might feel as a result, but just letting them know that you are there and ready to listen, if they do want to open up, is so valuable.

You can contact Nottinghamshire Victim CARE if your child, or a young person you care for, has been affected by a crime – even if they weren’t a direct victim.

We can work both with you and the young person affected to create a plan of support, and also support you in how to best help the young person to recover.