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Grounding Tips

Grounding is a technique that helps to return to the here and now and bring us into the present.

The technique below is a sensory awareness exercise that may be a helpful tool to reduce anxiety and relax:              

1. Describe 5 things you see in the room

2. Name 4 things you can feel (e.g. my feet on the floor)

3. Name 3 things you can hear right now (e.g. birds in the garden)

4. Name 2 things you can smell right now or 2 smells you like 

5. Name 1 good thing you can taste 

If you still feel like you need some immediate help, you can also receive support 24/7 by calling the Nottinghamshire Foundation Trust Mental Health Helpline 0300 303 0165 – for more information visit their site here.